

Subsistence harveseting

Subsistence Harvesting: Principles, Uses & Management

Subsistence harvesting is the approach to control the overexploitation of biological resources and other endangered species to bring them back to the brink of extinction. Principles for Subsistence Harvesting Uses of Subsistence Harvesting Management of Subsistence Harvesting The following activities…

Resin tapping in nepal

Methods of Resin Tapping in Nepal

Resin is a solid or highly viscous, non-crystalline organic compound obtained from plants or may be of synthetic origin that is typically convertible into polymers. Resin tapping involves causing physical injury to the cambium layer and sapwood of the tree and collecting the exuded…

Importance of GIS in forestry

Sources of Data Creation in GIS

GIS data creation is a multi-stage process that includes: Data capture- Primary and secondary data Geo-referencing Digitizing (vector and raster format) Attribute table import and association Metadata preparation Accuracy testing and repair Data conversion to match with other data sets…

Digitization errors in GIS

Different Types of Digitization Errors in GIS

Digitization is a process of converting existing maps to digital form (Vector Format) by tracing the features. Digitization can be done in two ways: Heads-up digitization (on-screen digitization) Heads down digitization (Tablet digitization or manual digitization) Digitizing involves the interpretation…

Island biogeography theory

Island Biogeography Theory

Island biogeography also known as insular biogeography is a field within biogeography that examines the factors that affect the species richness of isolated natural communities. MacArthur and EO Wilson in 1967 explained the species richness of actual islands, principally oceanic.…

Recreation and tourism

Different Components of tourism

Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business, or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year. Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability…


Concept of Project and Its Characteristics

A project is a series of activities and tasks that: have a specific set of objectives, have a time-bound intervention, have funding limits consumes resources like money, people, equipment, etc. create a unique product, service, or result. Characteristics of Project…

Hydrology importance and application

Hydrology: Application & Its Importance

Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation, and distribution, their chemical and physical properties, and their reaction to their environment, including their relation to living things.   The domain of hydrology embraces the full…

Elements of project management

Elements of Project management

Project management is the art of planning, organizing, managing, directing, and controlling all the aspects of the project from inception to closure so as to achieve specific goals and objectives using a scientific and structured methodology. The main objective of…