9 Factors That Affect The Productivity of Land

Land productivity is a measure of the amount of sustainable land use, determined as the relationship between land quality in overall productive terms and output.

It can show a land’s potential to support and maintain life and can be used to indicate land deterioration.

The total production divided by per unit area of land is referred to as land productivity. As a result, land productivity is evaluated to determine the degree of efficiency. Here are two methods to express land production. They are as follows:

  • The average productivity of land: Average productivity of land is defined as the production from land divided by the area of that land.
  • The marginal productivity of land: The increase in production produced from land due to a rise in one unit of land while the other inputs remain constant is referred to as marginal productivity.

Factors Affecting Land Productivity

Land Characteristics

The productivity of land is determined by its natural qualities. Ground that is flat and level is more productive than undulating property. similarly, land in a mountainous location is more fertile than desert land. Its production is also affected by soil and climatic conditions.


Another important component influencing land production is location. Land productivity is determined by its location. A plot of land near a market is more productive than one in a rural place. This is due to the fact that transporting the goods to the market takes less time and money.

Irrigation Methods

Irrigation methods have an impact on land production. Lands that rely on irrigation, such as canals, tube wells, tanks, and so on, are more productive than those that rely on rainfall.

Improved Cultivation Methods

Land productivity rises when improved cultivation methods such as fertilizers, quality seeds, mechanized plows, and so on are utilized.

Appropriate Land Use

The productivity of land is closely related to its proper use. Cotton may be grown well on black soil. However, if it is utilized to grow rice, its output will be minimal.

Land Improvements

When land is improved with features such as hedging, consolidation of land holdings, irrigation canals, and so on, its productivity rises.

Trained Labor

Land production is closely related to labor efficiency. Land productivity will rise if labor is more efficient.

Ownership of Land

If the cultivator owns the property, he will have a personal interest in increasing the productivity of the land. If the property belongs to a landowner, the cultivators are paid laborers who take no personal interest. As a result, land production is low.

Government Policy

Government policy has an impact on land productivity. Similarly, land productivity rises when the government promotes agricultural research and offers loans to farmers.

So these are the factors that influence the productivity of the land. Land production is a key factor. Increasing land productivity through sustainable methods can help to reduce the amount of land required for farming, prevent environmental degradation and climate change caused by processes such as deforestation, and assure food security.


Hi, Im chetana khadka from Bardiya. Having always been in close proximity to Nature I have so much enthusiasm to learn and explore my career in Forestry. As a Forestry undergraduate, I realized that even a tiny creature in nature has immense importance in the ecosystem. Really everything is connected to everything and there's nothing like waste in nature. So value yourself, you are also a immense part of nature and leave your conservation footprint before you vanish in it.

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