Category NTFPs

Methods of Resin Tapping in Nepal

Resin tapping in nepal

Resin is a solid or highly viscous, non-crystalline organic compound obtained from plants or may be of synthetic origin that is typically convertible into polymers. Resin tapping involves causing physical injury to the cambium layer and sapwood of the tree and collecting the exuded…

NTFP and Forest Management certification

NTFP certification

As defined by FSC, “Forest certification is the process of evaluating forests or woodlands to determine if they are being managed according to an agreed set of standards”. A certification is a verifying tool, that involves verification of forest/products to…

NTFPs Inventory: Why & How to Conduct

NTFP inventory

NTFPs Inventory is the preparation of a detailed list of all NTFPs in the forest stock. It is one of the crucial tools for sustainable NTFP management. WHY – NTFPs Inventory? It is a legal requirement for managerial decision making,…

Importance of Non-Timber Forest Products(NTFPs)

Importance of Non-timber forest products

NTFPs stand for non-timber forest products. NTFPs also referred to as minor forest products, and secondary forest products, are Non-wood forest products consisting of goods of biological origin other than wood, derived from the forest, other woodlands, and trees outside…

Marketing Issues of NTFPs

Marketing issues of NTFP

NTFPs are defined as all tangible animal and plant products, other than industrial timber, which can be collected from forests for subsistence and for trade. Due to physiographic and climatic variability, Nepal occupies about 0.1% of the global land mass…

Types of Non-Timber Forest Products

Non-timber forest products

Forest products are broadly classified into two types Timber Products Non-Timber Forest Products Non-Timber Forest Products All the biological products we extract from the forest except the timber are NTFPs. It is considered the secondary important forest product in the…

Timber and Non timber forest products

Timber and non-timber forest products

Forests are the most valuable natural resources for sustaining life on earth. They provide us with various tangible (timber, Ntfps) and intangible resources (ecosystem services). Ecologically forests are always interacting with the environment influencing the ecosystem. Forest products are broadly…