Category Wildlife

Difference Between Keystone Species and Umbrella Species

Keystone species and umbrella species

A community is an assemblage of species living close enough together for potential interaction which differ in their species richness, species evenness, and relative abundance of different species. In an ecosystem, there are various species-specific niches either isolated or overlapped.…

Different Types of Mating Systems in Wildlife

Mating systems in wildlife

Reproduction is the biological process by which new individual “offspring” areproduced from their “parent” or parents. Whereas mating is the pairing of opposite sex for sexual reproduction. Due to a different kind of species, mating is between two individuals of…

Subsistence Harvesting: Principles, Uses & Management

Subsistence harveseting

Subsistence harvesting is the approach to control the overexploitation of biological resources and other endangered species to bring them back to the brink of extinction. Principles for Subsistence Harvesting Uses of Subsistence Harvesting Management of Subsistence Harvesting The following activities…

Difference Between Commensalism and Mutualism


In the natural world, no organism exists in absolute isolation. The first law of ecology states, ” everything is connected with everything”. There is a continuous interaction between and among the biotic organisms and their interaction with abiotic interaction. This…

Effects of stochasticity in animal population

Effects of stochasticity in animal population

Stochasticity is something that is randomly determined or happens by chance. Random variation or stochasticity in the environment influences Growth, Food availability, prey-predator relation, Population size, colonization, and random order of immigration/ emigration which ultimately determines the population dynamics of…

Causes & Types of Metapopulation


The concept of Metapopulation is coined by Richard Levins in 1969. Meta-population consists of a group of spatially separated populations of the same species which are linked by migration, dispersal, and extinction. Thus even if all members of one population…

PCR & Molecular Marker

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PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) is an exponentially progressing synthesis of the defined target DNA sequences in vitro. PCR is an in-vitro technique for rapidly synthesizing large quantities of a given DNA segment that involves separating the DNA into its two…

Island Biogeography Theory

Island biogeography theory

Island biogeography also known as insular biogeography is a field within biogeography that examines the factors that affect the species richness of isolated natural communities. MacArthur and EO Wilson in 1967 explained the species richness of actual islands, principally oceanic.…